Friday, May 27, 2011

Bursting at the seams!

Hey guys! Well, we are all moved in and are bursting at the seams to say the least! We moved in this past weekend and my in laws' stuff will be moved out of the house this weekend. I haven't unpacked much since its all buried in the garage, so I will be unpacking like crazy once I can start moving a lot of the stuff inside. Just wanted to share with you all some pictures of what life is like over here. 
I painted the kitchen the same tan color I used in the bedroom I showed you a few weeks ago, it used to be red. I will share pictures this week with you guys of what I have finished. Stay tuned!

 This is the front living room, all of our in laws furniture is in there until this weekend whenever they get their pods.

Here is all of our stuff in the garage, luckily it's pretty large.

This side is some of our in laws stuff.

UGH yesterday we went out the garage and got into the car and shut it and all of a sudden this mirror fell and yep CRACKED. I am gonna look into finding just a replacement mirror I really like the frame and that's usually the most expensive part. If any of you have any ideas please share them with me!

Well that's it for today guys, I just wanted to update you all. I will be back next week with decorating posts! YAY!


Debbiedoos said...

Good luck girl, and congrats, very exciting!

laxsupermom said...

That stinks about the mirror. The kitchen color looks great! Can't wait to see how you decorate your new home.

NanaDiana said...

Congrats on getting moved! It is a big job! We have moved 15 or 16 times in our marriage---some short moves-some long distance ones- no matter what-it is never easy! Can't wait to see you all set up! Hugs- Diana

Emelia DiCarlo said...

Allyson. Congrats on your new residence!I know you will have it inviting and moved and unpacked soon. Take it easy and Happy Memorial Day, Emelia.

Blondie's Journal said...

I can feel the excitement in your words!! I wish you luck unpacking and settling in. The frame from the mirror can be painted and put to good use! Just use your imagination!

Have a great holiday weekend!


Becca Bertotti said...

Congrats on the move !! And, I'm sure you'll be done unpacking and sharing your beautiful new spaces in no time !!

Arriving said...

When we needed a replacement mirror for one that had cracked in a move we went to our local glass company. It wasn't too expensive and they cut it to size for us.

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Hi Allyson,
I've had you on my mind all weekend. Wish we lived closer, I would love to come help you get unpacked, umm, and maybe stop off at Ross for a few!

How are you holding up, are you exhausted? It looks like you are making some good headway! I like how you have the upper cabinets decorated. I even got a few ideas for mine, too!

Love ya, take it easy! Looking forward to your next post. XOXO ~Liz

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Ally,
I understand how that feels and it is very stressful to be moving. That will be us sometime soon too. Whew! I'm ready.

I can't wait to see all of your new decorating ideas. The home is gorgeous! Enjoy the process. Show us pictures when you can.

Have a happy week!
~Melissa :)


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