Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Welcome Baby Ashleigh!

Hey guys! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. Ours was very eventful we welcomed Ashleigh into our family on Friday at 1:25 p.m. Throughout my pregnancy I was getting watched really closely because I had a placental cyst growing and over the last couple months it kept growing in size slowly. My doctor called me last week and wanted me to go get an amnio done to check to see if her lungs were developed since I was 36 weeks and if so they were going to deliver me yesterday. Well on Friday when I went they measured the cyst again and it grew from Monday 7cm to Friday 9cm so the specialist decided it was best just to get her out and not even chance it. So, from there on out everything started happening very quick before I knew it we were in a room getting prepped for a c section. Luckily they did decide to take her out because when they pulled the placenta out the cyst ruptured and blew a hole through the placenta. Her cord was going through the cyst, so if it would have ruptured on its own we would've ran into a emergency situation there. She is healthy and didn't need any assistance with breathing. She weighed 8lbs 9 oz and was 21 1/4 inches long! I'd say she was ready to come out!! Anyhow we are still getting acclimated around here but I wanted to give you all an update. I was so excited to see my mantle featured at A stroll thru life however I am sad to say that the urns fell off the mantle while I was in the hospital and broke so I have to figure out something else now. I'll keep ya updated!!

Here's a picture of Ashleigh, we are having fun playing dress up can you tell?? :)

Be back soon!



Maria Elena said...

I knew it, I knew it!!! I have been wondering if you had gone into labor since I had not seen you around for several days. CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is so beautiful, oh, my! I am so very happy for you!!! I am sooo glad everything went well and you guys are home now. What a blessing! Best Christmas gift ever! :) Can't wait to see more pictures of her! Congratulations again to both of you!

Donna~One Simple Country Girl said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful and I am glad that everything turned out well for her and for you. What a fabulous early Christmas present for your family!

Shenita @ Embellishments by SLR said...

Awwwww, how cute!!! Congrats, Ally! She is beautiful!!! Sorry to hear that your urns fell...but, look what you got in the process...lol! Enjoy her!!!

An Oasis in the Desert said...

I'm so glad you didn't run into complications there at the end. It sounds like everything happened just the way it needed to, and now you have an absolutely beautiful little girl. How is Jackson adapting? Good luck to everyone getting adjusted!


Stacey @DivaDecor&More said...

Congrats :):):) She's beautiful :)

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Congratulations! Ashleigh is precious, ...a beautiful baby! So glad it all worked out and that she is healthy! :)

All That Glitters said...

Wow!! You had a big girl to be so early!! Congrats! She is gorgeous and I just love her name!

Lynda said...

Congratulations, Allyson! She's adorable!!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Oh my goodness! I'm so glad they went ahead and delivered her! She is precious! I've never heard of a placental cyst- I'll have to look that up. Too bad about the urns.
Congratulations on the birth of your lovely daughter Ashleigh!

Cynthia said...

Congrats!! She is so tiny and precious. She looks so adorable all dressed up.


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh congratulations!!!! She is absolutely precious and such a cutie. I know you will have many wonderful years of playing dressup. Hugs, Marty

Traditions By The Seasons said...

I couldn't be happier for you, Ashleigh is just precious. What a darling picture. I'm so sorry you had a cyst growing, I had no idea. Thank goodness they delivered you early. What a FANTASTIC "early" Christmas gift! I can't wait to see more pictures of her. Get some rest, mommy! Thinking of you, baby, and family! XO ~Liz

Maggie Perez said...

Allyson She is beautiful congratulation on your new baby girl. I'm glad everything went well and hope to see more pics of her God Bless. ~Maggie~

Rooms by Ann said...

CONGRATULATIONS, to you and your family. She is gorgeous. I am so sorry about the Cyst.Glad to see you are well. Happy Holidays.

Jeanette said...

Congratulations to you and your family!! She is a beautiful little girl. Glad everything worked out and that everyone is healthy. xoxo Jeanette

Melissa Miller said...

Ally I hit the wrong button on my FB and had to send you a new friend request. Oops. I didn't want you to see it and wonder what in the world is this. :)

Unknown said...

Oh Allyson! She is beautiful and I'd say she was ready. lol I'm glad everyone is healthy and happy.

I'm having a FACEBOOK social hop. I'd love for you to hop on over, grab a button and link up your facebook.


Have a crazy beautiful week!

Helen's Decor said...

Ally, congratulations on the arrival of Ash! She looks like a little doll baby! I'm so glad that everything worked out well. I was a bit nervous reading until you reassured us! You're in for a real treat with girl clothes. Hope the "big brother" is thrilled!
Merry Christmas, Helen

Lisa said...

Oh my goodness I haven't been online for a while and am just now catching up on blogs. Congratulations on the birth of such a beautiful little girl. She really is such a doll and I love the name Ashleigh. I probably won't be back on before Christmas so I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy your little ones :)

The Decorative Dreamer said...

Who cares about the urns, you have a beautiful baby girl!!!!! Woohooo!!! OMG! Congrats to you!!! JK, about the urns, sorry to hear it, weird how stuff like that happens. I am very excited for you. She is so precious and I am so glad you delivered early. Thank the Lord for good doctors! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!!!!

joyh82 said...

What a doll! Congrats :)


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